ACE Ohio Program
IDA is a Qualified Education Service Provider with the Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) Program!
What does that mean?
The Ohio ACE program provides funds for students and families to use on various enrichment and educational activities. Qualifying families receive $1000 per student! The organization must be a Qualified Education Service Provider, such as IDA.
We hope this can provide more opportunities for more students!
Please note that the ACE funds can only be used for class tuition and not for costumes or dance wear.
Also note that as of today (July 3rd, 2024), the ACE program is not accepting new applications. If you have already received funding, the deadline to use it is September 2025. If either of these change, we will reflect those changes on this page.
How do I know if I qualify?
The ACE program is available to any Ohio child ages 6 to 18 years old (who hasn’t graduated from high school) who meets at least one of the conditions below:
Children residing in districts identified as having a high rate of chronic absenteeism or have one or more schools identified as EdChoice eligible qualify for an ACE Account. Note that this list may change from year to year, but that those children living in a Marion City Schools district automatically qualify!
Children who reside in a household with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) at or below 400% of the federal poverty level based on the household’s most recent federal income tax return qualify for an ACE Account.
Income-based Government Assistance Programs
Children who are part of a family that participates in programs such as Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Ohio Works First (OWF) or other income-based government assistance programs with eligibility at or below 400% of the federal poverty level, qualify for an ACE Account.
How will it work?
Apply for and receive your ACE Account (ACE notes it might take a week or two to be approved)
*As of July 3rd, 2024, the ACE program is not accepting new applicants. If that changes, that will be reflected here soon after.
Find IDA on the ACE Education Marketplace
Report your IDA tuition receipts to your ACE account
Get reimbursed up to $1000 per student!